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Voter fraud
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Still thinking about the election and the fraud that could have happened? Here is a comprehensive list of links and things to read regarding Evidence of Electoral Fraud.


The pain is horrible. The chest pain returned with a vengeance last night and it almost kept me awake and crying until I remembered I had 2 endone tablets left. I took one last night and that helped me get to sleep.

Today it just feels sore, like a muscles does the day after you have a charlie horse, but this is in my CHEST muscles.

I really need to get a professional opinion about why I am experiencing this pain, although I think I can attribute it to the added water aerobics in my week last week. I remember Dr. Chung telling me that with this kind of injury pain that is triggered quite often is not immediate, but is delayed.

God I hate my life.

We Do Not Concede

Want to be Foxless in America? This site, We Do Not Concede has a great idea on how to send Fox a message and rid yourself of them.


Friends: This is such simple, brilliant, potenetially effective idea, I wish I could say I thought of it. It was actually sent to me by a friend who is impatient for grassroots action against the right wing to begin. I'm doing this at once. I hope you'll decide to do the same and circulate the idea to at least a hundred million of your closest friends. LET'S SEE THE STOCKS PLUMMET- FEED YOUR STRENGTH. If you, too, have had enough with the FOX news channel, please read below. This action will make your voice heard while simply choosing not to watch the station can not. (Coalition Member)

I have decided to make a political statement. I called my Satellite TV provider and asked them to remove Fox News from my television. Since the election I have wanted to stick my head out of a window of a tall building and shout I can't take it anymore, but I soon came to realize that there is a better and easier way to send a message to Rupert Murdoch and his blathering bunch at Fox News and that was to simply make them disappear from my life.

I called my cable TV provider and had Fox News deleted from my television. It was simple I called the Repair Department at Comcast and said I wanted to be Foxless in America. I then wrote an email to the following: Reed Nolte VP Investor Relations for News Corporation (the parent company of Fox News) at and Brian Lewis, Senior VP Corporate Communications for Fox News at and to top it off I copied

I told them that I cannot take the Fox distortion and biased presentation of the news any longer and that they ought to inform their sponsors that there are millions like me. I can't tell you the immense satisfaction I gained from becoming Foxless in America. I am asking you to follow me in this protest and let it be heard by all that want to control what we all see and hear. This could be a way to have your voice heard-Become Foxless in America. We can start a movement if each of you send this email to all the others you know who are fed up with Fox News.

Regards, Arthur
Good for him, and if I lived in America I would do it. You should!

Happy Turkey Day
Friday, November 26, 2004

Ahh. Thanksgiving.

What I miss:

Mom's Cornbread Dressing with the Gibblet Gravy
Turkey, Turkey, Turkey
Sweet Potatoe Casserole or pie
Green Bean Casserole and All Its Artery Clogging Glory
Football Games
Afternoon Naps
Cold Weather
Hot Drinks with Cinnamon Sticks
Left Over Cornbread Dressing
My Family

What I am thankful for:

I won't be gaining the 5 to 10 pounds I always do this season

Hope you have a happy one.

Still here
Thursday, November 25, 2004

I'm still here, although it does feel like I've abandoned this blog for the other one.

I think mainly it is because all of the things I want or need to write about are diet and weight related at the moment. This is probably because I am not working and I have all this time to obsess about it.

But I can tell you that I've started doing aqua-robics and it is fun. I didn't know I'd like it so much, and you really do get out of it what you put into it. Of course it would be easy to slack off because most of the movements are underwater and no one is going to call you on it, but I really worked my butt off and I have the sore muscles to show for it.

I know this is Thanksgiving eve in America. It is actually Thursday here and I had my Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with my mum-in-law because it was her anniversary and we reallly didn't want her eating alone. It was a successful meal, although nothing like my mom's. I miss home so much and it is a lot harder around holidays.

If only I were filthy rich.

Anyway, what do you think of the Christmas Buckley? I know, too cute for words. He is driving me crazy at the moment wanting to play with the Christmas tree. I have to keep the spray bottle (water) right next to it so I can spray him whenever he is around it. It doesn't work on its own because he is pretty immune to water although he doesn't like it in his face. He starts squinting before I even spray! It is funny. But I have to physically remove him sometimes. Of cours mr ralph thinks it is cute when he whacks at the ornaments with his paw. It is not cute when you have to pick it up and redecorate it.

There is not much else going on with me except I am dying to get back to work. I went to my team's Christmas dinner last weekend and saw everyone. Going without the brace part of the time is not so bad, although I had some burning below my left shoulder blade yesterday. That sort of thing scares me because I has a lot of that burning just before the surgery. I just hope to God it is only due to the added pressure on my neck because of the exercise I've added recently and nothing else to worry about.

Going to plan
Thursday, November 18, 2004

According to my surgeon, and the x-rays I had done yesterday everything is going ok. My neck looks to be healing fine, and now I no longer have to wear the hard collar. We can heave a huge sigh of relief on that one. I do have to wear the soft collar for a short period, while alternating not wearing it and doing neck exercises until my neck is strong enough to go without it altogether.

The pain he didn't have much to say about, except that in moving the bones in my neck apart and stretching them to fit the new disc in, this could cause some of it. I think that most of it has been me overdoing it, which I plan to take his advice and do my best at not overstraining my neck as it continues to heal.

Now, I didn't hear what I wanted to regarding work, but I do get to go back in three weeks. On December 13th I will be allowed to work 3 days a week for a maximum of 6 hours a shift. Doesn't sound like much, but it is going to be so good.

As for exercise he said I could continue walking as much as I want, and do any low-impact exercise as well as strength training. I am going to get some hand weights and hopefully get a bench with more for Christmas. I plan to go to the gym and use their pool once or twice a week (they allow you to pay by the visit) and alternatively use the outdoor pool when it opens. I am thinking of getting a membership since I hope to incorporate swimming a lot more. It makes sense because it is low-impact, but one of the best cardiovascular exercises there is.

And other than that, I am just happy someone is doing something about the election of 2004, I just wish Bev Harris wasn't so alone in the matter.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So I wake up this morning and pull out the referral form for the x-ray I am meant to be having today and discover that the appointment is for yesterday.


I called and rescheduled the x-ray for today and had a message from the surgeon's office (oh they actually do care!) on my phone. I rang them and rescheduled the appointment with that dickwad for tomorrow morning because he is innerstate today. Probably making big bucks off of someone else's misfortune.

Can you tell I don't like him much? It is hard to believe a few months ago I was actually telling people that I thought he was a good guy. But that was before he treated me like dogshit after I asked him about the pain I was having post-op.

I am making mr ralph go with me to the appointment because I don't want to be with him by myself. I only hope that everything is ok.

Apparently I am not having an MRI but a regular x-ray because "he can see what he needs to from it." Okay. Whatever. I just hope that the news is good. I can't handle much more of this stay at home shit.

I am sick to death of my own company and the TV. I actually find myself watching soaps, although I don't know anyone's name. It is usually own for background noise, but I occasional am watching and wondering who really follows this crap on a day to day basis?

It's going to be hot today. Prediction is for 37. I am not ready for the hot weather. I wish it could just stay 25 everyday with blue skies.

I read these two books I bought for cheap at the local kmart. They kept me busy for 3 days anyway, but both of them had the same central theme, adultery. I found myself thinking a lot about my marriage and questioning how things are going with us. It is not because we are having problems. All relationships are hit with bumps from outside influence. My recovery from this surgery has been the main focus and there is nothing I can do about that. I really hate being like this.

I don't think I've ever loved him more than I do him. I have been uneasy, but I know I've been consumed with worry about this stupid neck. I can't believe that all along the appointment was yesterday. Go on, laugh. I know you want to.

Be careful what you blog
Monday, November 15, 2004

Feeling good about living in a "free world"? Well, before you get too comfy thinking that you have "freedom of speech", you should really read this. The Patriot Act has been extended to blogs that are critical of Government.

"The provision we challenged [that the judge struck down]," says Jaffer, "allows the FBI to issue NSLs against 'wire or electronic service communication providers.' Telephone companies and Internet service providers [are included.]" As Judge Marrero noted, the FBI could also use an NSL "to discern the identity of someone whose anonymous web log, or 'blog,' is critical of the Government."

And if that isn't scary enough, Bush has ordered the CIA to purge all officials unloyal to him from the agency.

WASHINGTON -- The White House has ordered the new CIA director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers believed to have been disloyal to President George W. Bush or of leaking damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq war and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to knowledgeable sources.

Surprised yet?

"The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda."

I don't even know what to say, except that this is scary shit and it is only the beginning.

In the news
Friday, November 12, 2004

Renee Zellweger has been in Australia for a whirl-wind tour and promoting The Edge of Reason, and all I kept thinking about during the film-clips is that they make her get so much bigger this time, or is it just me? She looks much frumpier than in the original. I actually thought she looked normal in the first one. Seems that the movie isn't doing so good with the reviewers either. A pity, because I quite enjoyed the first one, and I also read the book.

Not only is Liza Minnelli accused of beating her former husband, now a body guard of hers has accussed her of forcing him to have sex with her, as well as repeatedly assualting him during violent outbursts. Ouch.

Michael Scheuer, who wrote the book, "Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror" will resign after 22 years of service at the CIA.

In a statement, Scheuer said the CIA had not forced him to resign, "but I have concluded that there has not been adequate national debate over the nature of the threat posed by Osama bin Laden and the forces he leads and inspires, and the nature and dimensions of intelligence reform needed to address that threat."

Scheuer, also said that he thinks it will be best for the country and the intelligence community if he resign and he plans to continue speaking publicly regarding Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the 9-11 Commission Report.

George Bush does an interview with ediets on the Shape of the Nation.

Bush calls Robertson a skanky liar, and then after getting the flu blames John Kerry, Terrorists, and his mom!

Michael Jackson's fans in NYC are protesting Eminem's video of his song "Just Lose It."

In the video, "Just Lose It," Detroit rapper Eminem impersonates Jackson, appearing with a group of boys in the background. "Come here, little kiddie, on my lap. Guess who's back with a brand new rap," he sings.

"It's demeaning and disrespectful," Jackson said. "And I also want to make it clear that it's not just about Michael Jackson but about a pattern of disrespect that he has shown to our community. He needs to stop it, and he needs to stop it now."

Time Wasters 11/11/04
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Paul Deleplane designed his wedding cake out of hostess snacks. Talk about being obsessed with twinkies! I can't even imagine how much fat this cake packed. And he is not the only one! [ via ]

this is real

It only took Phil one hour to complete his wedding cake. After building the tiers with layers of Styrofoam disks, the only complication was figuring out how to piece the snacks together. Finally, after several design changes, Phil came up with this idea of using a variety of Hostess snack cakes such as Twinkies, Cup Cakes, Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, Suzy Q's, Sno Balls and Mini Muffins.

Check out this picture of Dick Cheney made up of SUV's and oil wells. [ via ]

Play feed the model, on, a body image website.

Check out suicide bomber barbie.

For the truly cat obsessed.

Winners of the political advertising contest.

Please sign

This petition to Congress is available to sign for those of us that want the election of 2004, especially regarding the use of voting machine manipulation or purposeful malfunction, especially electronic voting machines manufactured and supplied by Diebold, Inc.; Electronic Systems & Software (ES & S); Sequoia Voting Systems, and others investigated for any potential wrongdoing.

Please sign it.

Bored? Check out this very interesting site called [ via ], where you can find a huge gallery of pictures of people who want to apologize to the world about Bush being re-elected:

What is the site about?

Most people who think carefully understand that Americans are not really any more jingoistic or xenophobic than people in other countries, but it never hurts to reinforce, especially considering what happened on November 2nd, 2004. What must it have looked like to the world gallery/6/outside our borders? America proudly re-appointed her reckless, incompetent and corrupt government. How much of America? Fifty-two percent. The rest of us are aghast and dismayed.

Lots of fuss is made about the "global village." The Internet was supposed to make communication between cultures, countries and peoples painless and easy. It was supposed to build bridges. But it doesn't do this automatically; somebody has to reach out. The Internet was supposed to lead to education and understanding. It doesn't. Rarely do people on the internet apologize. I thought it was high time. The world needs to understand that there are people in America who don't like what our government is doing. And from the mail we're receiving, there are people in the international community who appreciate this.
Also, come on, it's kind of amusing.

I'm not sure if I should find this funny, but[ via ] really did make me laugh.

Now even cleaner!

The busy-ness of that last background was holding me back, and keeping me from doing new things, like my nifty blockqoute quotation mark. I know blogger created their own, but I made one for myself!

Do you think Ashcroft really resigned because of his illness, or because he knew he was about to be fired?

Seems Bush was quick to replace him, but that may be how things run around here. It is possible he wasn't really wanted around much anymore since it seems he served his purpose.

Ashcroft, 62, has been one of the most controversial and influential figures of Bush's first term. Ashcroft provided reliable fodder for Democrats on the campaign trail and served as a visible representative of the evangelical Christians who played a crucial role in reelecting the president.[ via ]

But enough about that. It is hard to say I care really, because I don't. The country is going to hell in a handbasket anyway. What the fuck can we really do about it? We had our chance, and we blew it.

Sex saves rainforest?

A couple who sparked outrage by having sex on stage in front of thousands of stunned rock concert goers in Norway shocked again on Tuesday when the man pulled down his trousers in court.

The two, who are members of an environmental group, said their sex stunt was meant to draw attention to a campaign to save the rain forest. Their attorney argued that they were protected under freedom of expression law.

On a liquid diet? Want to drink your Turkey day meal? Now thanks to a Seattle soda company you can! What is in the water over there in Seattle??

Last year, the response to our Turkey and Gravy Soda was overwhelming, but we really didn't have side dishes to go with it," Peter van Stolk, chief executive of specialty soda maker Jones Soda Co., said on Monday.

Yuck. Yick. Glah.

For the conspiracy theorist in you
Monday, November 08, 2004

A few more things to read when deciding if BUSH&Co. really won this election:

Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked [via]

Electronic Voting: The Stolen Election of 2004 [via]

Could the Associated Press rig the election?

Guest entry -- written by ralph brother

I must take the time to write when compelled to do so. I value my opinion, I also value the opinion of others, in the aspect that their opinion belongs to them and is generated from within their soul. I must also say that I love politics. Some say that they won't talk politics because it is the source of hostile arguments. I say disagreement is healthy. I've learned a heck of a lot by disagreeing with people. Some have changed my opinion from time to time by simply disagreeing with me then explaining their reason. This is where respect comes in to play.

Talking politics can be like talking religion. We are all aware that you must have great respect for someone's faith if you are to discuss it with them. You don't have to blindly agree but you must have a healthy respect for their belief because it is generated from within their soul.

Over the past few years I've seen a trend in mainly National level politics that really troubles me, especially in the 04 Presidential election. Candidates bring issues to the campaign forefront that are really just cultural issues that can be decided on an individual basis (meaning this is either right for me so I will take part in it or this is wrong for my conscience and therefore I won't do it). Then, the concept of religion is somehow attached to the cultural issue and many people feel obligated,one way or the other, to vote for or against certain candidates because of their opinions on these few issues. I am not at all saying this is right or wrong but what I'm saying is that when we begin to legislate laws based on the belief of a few facets of religion I smell trouble.

The question I have is, where does it go from here? Are we really the moral Country that we let on to be when we decide on these few cultural issues that rub most of us the wrong way? Do we as a Nation have a form of godliness and deny what God's power really is? Who ever you are and where ever you live you must take the time to think, what really goes on in my community and how will my opinions on homosexual relationships or stemcell research change the things that are killing my community.

Then take a step further and ask yourself, what goes on in my life when no one is around but myself? When all the Dust has settled, we as a Nation, are about gratification. We want to have a standard of morals for everyone else, but our own private lives are off limits. We tolerate things that are somewhat acceptable. The things that aren't acceptable we label as Immoral. In America 80 percent of the citizens claim to be Christians and I would be willing to bet that 50 percent of them have never read the whole Bible.

Lastly we must all ask ourselves do we really want a government that has laws mandated by certain religious groups or do we want the freedom to make decisions based on our consciences. I for one don't want to see history repeat itself.

Not spoilage - Go see The Forgotten

I love mystery thrillers and I'd have to put The Forgotten in the top 5 that I have seen. Let's not forget that Julianne Moore is highly rated by me as an actresses after her unforgetable performance in my favorite movie Magnolia.

The first 30 minutes is an incredible lead into a film full of twists and turns.

I would have preferred to not have seen any trailers. The unknown would be harder to figure out if it had not been practically given away beforehand. They give too much away when trying to entice the viewer to go see it.

The movie is clever in orchestrating shock moments expertly; they're woven in to come at you quite unexpectantly. Before you realise it, you are jumping out of your seat, or as in my case almost breaking your partner's hand as you squeeze it too tightly.

As with all good mysteries all is not completely revealed and you are left at the end to piece together what you think may have happened. I do not like to spoil movies so I won't do it this time either, but it is definately one of the best attention holder's of the year.

In a way it is this year's Matrix because it introduces ideas things that could make you question your own reality and what you know to be true.

If you haven't already seen it, go -- and take a friend to hold your hand.

Creepy Republicans

My brother showed me something very interesting yesterday. The link should open in a new window.

It is an opinion article he wrote to his local paper about 2 months ago. I've erased his details at the bottom. The paper prints his name and address as it is mandatory for writing opinion pieces to this paticular paper.

On Friday he had an envelope without a return address and a stamp that had not been stamped by the post office (leading one to think it didn't go through the mail) and simply his name and address written acrossed it.

I think it is a little psycho to save a clipped article until after the election and then hand deliver it to the guy's house.


Take America Back
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Why did I not know about how serious this all really was?

I have already said, mainly from gut instinct that this election was probably rigged by the Republicans, but I just spent the better of 3 hours in shock and horror reading noteworthy news articles and diaries pointing to undeniable facts that there is something fishy going on, and it is bigger than I ever dreamed.

I had to sleep on it and after I woke up I still had to take a walk to think more about it before writing simply because my brain was too tired, and my mind couldn't then and still cannot deal with the implications of all of this being true.

It all started when mr ralph pointed me to an article coming out of Columbus Ohio which states that a computer error with a voting machine cartridge gave President Bush 3,893 votes extra in a Gahanna precinct.

Another news article was quick to point out:
Deducting the erroneous Bush votes from his total could not change the election's outcome, and there were no signs of other errors in Ohio's electronic machines, said Carlo LoParo, spokesman for Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell.
Of course we should take everything Blackwell says as the gospel right? Somehow I find it hard to believe that the machine in error was the only one that used that kind of cartridge yet,
Other electronic machines used in Ohio do not use the type of computer cartridge involved in the error, state officials say.
There ya go. All nice and tidy isn't it? A few extra votes were recorded. We're meant to simply forget about it. But I couldn't, and I can't. So I kept reading and so should you.

I then found a very indepth piece from Hunter who has a diary over at daily kos.

I couldn't do a better job at presenting all the information, so I give him all the credit for bringing it to light. I will just quote him to further prove my point. Please read his entire entry and see if you aren't a believer too.

According to Hunter, there are two states in which "fraud" has been raised, Ohio and Florida.
The Ohio numbers are regarded by many with great suspicion because the GOP launched, in the weeks before the election, an organized effort to intimidate minority voters, fund push-polls and other robocalls, and generally depress turnout in Democratic precincts. Anecdotal evidence is that it did not work -- turnout was high, and there were very few reports on election day of Republican intimidation at the polls. [and]

The possibility of fraud has been raised primarily because the results from Ohio are not what people were expecting to see. Republican turnout was very large, and Democrats seemed to vote for Bush in surprising numbers. That is indeed curious, and needs to be analyzed.
And it doesn't just stop there, because these unusual numbers doesn't necessarily mean any intentional fraud took place...BUT
it is also possible to explain the discrepancies from fraud or error. Intentional fraud, or unintentional error, would in this case consist of misreporting of the numbers from each precinct. Note that few of these Ohio precincts use anything other than the punch-card systems; fraud would be present in the central machines that sum the votes, not from in-precinct shenanigans. Nationwide, these machines are manufactured by Diebold and other vendors; longtime readers will remember Diebold as the heavily-Republican-leaning company (Diebold executives are heavy Bush contributers) whose chief officer announced in a Republican fund-raising letter that the company was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
If that doesn't get your blood going, nothing will.

So you may be asking yourself now, who is going to do something about this?? Well, for one we know that all the votes in Ohio are being counted, even as I write this. Ohio has to count all provisional ballots whether Kerry asks them to or not, they are legally required to.

You may be saying about now, "But Kerry already conceded." Kerry's concession is not legally binding. The "concession" is a political concept and therefore if during the counting of provisional ballots -- or any recount that may be needed of all the votes were to show Kerry the actual victor, he will definately step up and be our President.

I was surprised to see a very indepth article about voting fraud resulting from electronic machines was in print from March 2004. It goes into great detail about how e-voting threatens democracy.

Bev Harris is a voting activist who through her site, Black Box Voting .org is conducting the largest Freedom of Information action in history.
At 8:30 p.m. Election Night, Black Box Voting blanketed the U.S. with the first in a series of public records requests, to obtain internal computer logs and other documents from 3,000 individual counties and townships. Networks called the election before anyone bothered to perform even the most rudimentary audit.
Black Box Voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit consumer protection group for elections and you can donate to their effort as the FOIA's are not free. You can also join their campaign and volunteer for their organization called Help America Audit through the site.

Bev has spent a lot of time compiling evidence of voter fraud. Her work is detailed in the wired magazine article I mentioned above. Just one of the many things I found hard to digest is
In 2002, Congress passed the Help America Vote Act, or HAVA, which allocated $3.9 billion in matching federal funds to help states upgrade to new e-voting systems. Touted as the answer to the hanging chads in Florida that marred the 2000 presidential election, e-voting machines have been lauded by their makers as faster, more accurate and easier to use than punch-card and lever machines. But election glitches involving the systems paint a different picture, depicting machines that sometimes fail to boot up, fail to record votes or even record them for the wrong candidates. Computer scientists say the machines are also easy to hack.

In addition to glitches, there are concerns about the people behind the machines. A few voting company employees have been implicated in bribery or kickback schemes involving election officials. And there are concerns about the partisan loyalties of voting executives -- Diebold's chief executive, for example, is a top fund-raiser for President Bush.
Now if you've read all the articles and followed all my links you are now in the same position I am in. I keep asking myself two things: What exactly is going on here, and do I really want to know?

You may also find the following from metafilter interesting as well since it also points out the mysterious links between Diebold and ES&S that Bev Harris discovered as well as Howard Ahmanson (the original funder of ES&S) a Christian Recostructionist who has talked about imposing Biblical law on the US. It is indeed another hefty chunk to swallow, and another reason why I couldn't ignore what I was reading.

How is all of this not making bigger news than it has? I think the people who want to keep it all quiet are more important and bigger than those of us that are wanting it to go public.

Of course I hate George W Bush. I am probably the last person you would want to be impartial when it comes to this sort of thing, but what I hate even more than W is the idea that our freedom could be slipping out from under our noses and we are not paying attention. We are just letting it go. Something must be done.

Woman spots rapist on reality tv show
Saturday, November 06, 2004

Unbelievable. Rape Victim Spots Alleged Attacker On TV Show [via]

Makes you wonder what the person set up with the guy has to be thinking.

Majority Win Could Make Second Term More Partisan
Friday, November 05, 2004

Could I just say duh ? Now that is on the record,
"People say, 'The country's divided; shouldn't he be less ambitious?' " said Grover Norquist, president of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform. "No. This is a Republican-majority country. He will govern as aggressively as in the first term."
Double Duh!!
But others are skeptical that after a bitter campaign, Bush will succeed in attracting significant support from Democrats. "Is it realistic to think that, after this nasty election, he's going to get everyone in the room and say let's hold hands and reform Social Security?" a Republican lobbyist asked. "I don't see it."
And neither do I. Look out seniors, you could be saying bye-bye to your social security.
In foreign policy, Bush's first term was dominated by the war against terrorism and the decision to invade Iraq. His second-term agenda, one official said, could be described as "pretty much the same - only more so."
Anyone want to play a game of who will we invade next? Maybe the Democrats really did need this lose in order to let America learn her lessons the bitter hard way.
Bush told at least one of them, Sen.-elect James DeMint (R-S.C.), that he was impatient to turn his agenda into policies and laws.
"Now is the time to get it done," Bush said, according to his spokesman.
What happens when you give a man like Bush unlimited power at his disposal? We shall see won't we? In the end, I don't think it will be a pretty picture.
"What the president is doing in fiscal policy is weakening the country, making us more vulnerable. It's so strange," said Sen. Kent Conrad (news, bio, voting record) of North Dakota, top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee. "There's no free lunch, and at the end of the day our country will have a tremendous price to pay for this profligacy." Taken from this article.
Again you have to ask, how did this guy get re-elected? And will there be lots of finger pointing when it is all over with. You better believe it. I see lots of t-shirts saying, "Don't blame me I voted for Kerry." Start the screen printing people. We are stuck now. It makes me sick to my stomach.

Rednecks for Bush
Thursday, November 04, 2004

My brother told me he wants to get involved in politics but that it will be difficult because he lives in a predominately Republican place. A place full of "Nascar watchin squrill huntin cheap beer drinkin wife beatin rednecks."

Just had to share that with you. We all need to laugh sometimes.

Also, I didn't get to watch Kerry's speech but I heard he choked up. I probably would have cried if I had seen it.

In 4 years time the country may be ready to admitt that they made a huge mistake in putting W back in office, and hopefully the American people will see the light, literally. I just don't know if we are ready to put a woman in office. It would be incredible if we did it though.

Today is a black day

We watched CNN and briefly checked out what the Republican spinners were reporting on FOX all day yesterday. Around 4pm our time when FOX called Ohio and therefore the election to Bush I had fallen asleep and mr ralph woke me with these words, "He's lost it."

I couldn't digest it. It had to be FOX miscalling again. Besides, they aren't a real news station. We looked on to what CNN would do. For the following 3 to 4 hours that we watched CNN continued to call Ohio 'too close to call.' But somehow deep down I knew the Republicans had pulled it off again.

Whatever it was nobody knows it but those that helped them. I know that Kerry did the right thing in conceding. What point would it be to have a full repeat like 2000? I have lost faith in the voting system of America, and I don't think I am alone.

I have lost faith that every vote counts. I don't believe this election nor the last election was won fairly. I just cannot swallow that the American people would have voted in such big turnouts for that fuc$face. I cannot be a minority, I know that I am not.

Good, strong Democrats all over are trying to band together and say we will be able to take back the country in 2008, but will we really? Will we ever be able to win an election in a place where democracy is just a word in textbooks?? What about those people who stood in lines for 10 hours?? And for what? The day should be a public holiday and all votes should be cast with pen and paper like the Australians do it.

I mean give me a break, in the place where we've sent people to the moon we can't make an electronic voting machine that works? The whole idea of electronic voting machines was dumb from the beginning. Everyone knows that they can be hacked and rigged and God knows what.

As you can tell I'm not exactly in a good frame of mind. I stand by what I believe. Kerry should be President today yet we still have a chimp in the Whitehouse.

Out of my way jerkass!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I went to the movies last Wednesday night with mr ralph and his mum because they had free tickets to the Australian screening of last year's American release of Bad Santa. For several reasons I don't recall, the film couldn't be released here until now.

Because mr ralph was at work right up until the time of the film I had to ride the bus into the city.

I spent the start of the ride wrapped up in personal thought but was jolted from it as the bus came to a stop and I could hear several teen-aged boys laughing and yelling at the bus driver from the curb. I noticed we were not on the correct route and that the bus driver was looking at the map that is inside the bus schedule. This was not comforting. Apparantly he took a wrong turn. I had to stop zoning out and actually pay attention until we were again on the right path into the city. This was a first-time experience for me. This must have been this guy's very first route to drive. I hope the rest of his night went ok.

On my way to the theater I stopped and bought mr ralph a diet coke because I knew he wouldn't have time to get one himself and I'm so very thoughtful like that.

When I was crossing the busy intersection a guy almost ran into me. Just as he stopped and moved to the left, he noticed my brace and said, "What the!!?!?" then stumbled as he said, "sorry," then as he walked away he turned and yelled,
"CRIPPLE!" My response was pretty child-like, but effective. I never stoped walking forward and I never looked at the guy's face because the brace keeps my neck straight and I couldn't be bothered to stop so I just raised my arm giving him a rude gesture with my middle finger. As I walked away I heard his friend laughing as I did it.

I couldn't believe this happened. Did that guy actually almost run into me and then yell at me calling me a cripple? I know, you think I am making this up, but I'm not.

What if I really was cripple? It is just unbelievable that anyone would yell at someone calling them a cripple like it was some kind of clever insult. Then again I shouldn't be surprised because the Australian people seem to have a problem with people wearing braces. They openly stare, make gasping faces, and sometimes even point and laugh. Gah! The gall I have going about my life as normal when clearly I am some kind of freak.

People can be such morons.

Bush Asked to Stop Using 'Still the One'

In this story, Bush never was the one. The songwriter John Hall who co-wrote the song says that the Republican party never got permission to use the song.
"Out of deference to Mr. Hall's views, the song will no longer be played," Bush campaign spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish said. She said the song had been included in a catalog of music that the campaign's licensing company used to provide music for events.

Hours after she spoke, however, the song popped up again on the sound system in Columbus, Ohio, as Bush rally organizers tried to warm up a crowd of thousands. A campaign spokesman said the song was piped inadvertently into the arena as part of a video montage.
Stick to using country songs Dubya.

Misleading phone calls?

How stupid do they think voters are? I personally hope they're smart enough to see through this shit.

Call me partisan and burn an "I love Kerry" slogan on my chest, but I think these calls could have all easily been made by Republicans.

I of course have no proof, but making calls that appear to be in favour of both sides (a classic "they're doing it too!!"), no matter how ridiculous the pro-Kerry ones are (as if Schwarzkoph would ever endorse Kerry, a child could see through that one) is a very clever ruse -- just enough to make people believe that the calls are not more of the same Republican shenanigans we've all grown used to.

Of course these could just be college kids making prank calls on grand scale. My personal favorite is the one where they claim to be a George Bush supporter and then let out a string of swear words. Very funny.

A pandemic flu strain likely?

Scientists are saying that we could be seeing a new strain of flu that could spark a pandemic, an epidemic that could spread across the world.
Since December, a strain of bird flu has spread through poultry flocks from Japan to Thailand, despite efforts to contain it by mass killing of chickens. The virus also has infected and killed humans, though it doesn't appear to spread easily to people.
Experts claim this could easily change.
Only 43% of people at highest risk of serious illness from flu get vaccinated most years, she said. "Flu is a serious disease, and we have not taken it seriously."
To read the full story Yahoo! News - Vaccine shortage points to global risk, experts say

Bush team happy we are afraid
Monday, November 01, 2004

Does America really want to re-elect a President whose senior strategist thinks that the tape of Osama Bin Laden was a "little gift" and that it is good for Bush that America feel afraid?

The quotes in the following article, show how the GOP unabashedley feel encouraged after seeing the man responsible for killing thousands of Americans alive and well. He is undoubtably planning a future attack as he deems the last unsuccessful in getting his message across.

"We want people to think 'terrorism' for the last four days," said a Bush-Cheney campaign official. "And anything that raises the issue in people's minds is good for us."

A senior GOP strategist added, "anything that makes people nervous about their personal safety helps Bush."

I don't think they realise how bad it looks that they are actually coming out and saying explicitly that this tape is good for them.

Sucking It In

I designed a new sister blog (if you will) to this one called Sucking It In. I decided to have it along side this one because I don't think everyone is all that interested in every little complaint I have about food, diet and exercise. I bore myself even.

Yes, I am a bit overly obsessed with this. I know it is not very healthy to let it rule my mind for as much of the day as it does, but I am stuck at home and not allowed to be as active as I'd like -- and I am so close, so freaking close to my goal.

Anyway, if you want to know the deepest recesses of a semi-obsessed dieter's mind, then you can read it.

I have a cool design for it anyway, and the picture changes when you reload.