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Going to plan
Thursday, November 18, 2004

According to my surgeon, and the x-rays I had done yesterday everything is going ok. My neck looks to be healing fine, and now I no longer have to wear the hard collar. We can heave a huge sigh of relief on that one. I do have to wear the soft collar for a short period, while alternating not wearing it and doing neck exercises until my neck is strong enough to go without it altogether.

The pain he didn't have much to say about, except that in moving the bones in my neck apart and stretching them to fit the new disc in, this could cause some of it. I think that most of it has been me overdoing it, which I plan to take his advice and do my best at not overstraining my neck as it continues to heal.

Now, I didn't hear what I wanted to regarding work, but I do get to go back in three weeks. On December 13th I will be allowed to work 3 days a week for a maximum of 6 hours a shift. Doesn't sound like much, but it is going to be so good.

As for exercise he said I could continue walking as much as I want, and do any low-impact exercise as well as strength training. I am going to get some hand weights and hopefully get a bench with more for Christmas. I plan to go to the gym and use their pool once or twice a week (they allow you to pay by the visit) and alternatively use the outdoor pool when it opens. I am thinking of getting a membership since I hope to incorporate swimming a lot more. It makes sense because it is low-impact, but one of the best cardiovascular exercises there is.

And other than that, I am just happy someone is doing something about the election of 2004, I just wish Bev Harris wasn't so alone in the matter.


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