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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So I wake up this morning and pull out the referral form for the x-ray I am meant to be having today and discover that the appointment is for yesterday.


I called and rescheduled the x-ray for today and had a message from the surgeon's office (oh they actually do care!) on my phone. I rang them and rescheduled the appointment with that dickwad for tomorrow morning because he is innerstate today. Probably making big bucks off of someone else's misfortune.

Can you tell I don't like him much? It is hard to believe a few months ago I was actually telling people that I thought he was a good guy. But that was before he treated me like dogshit after I asked him about the pain I was having post-op.

I am making mr ralph go with me to the appointment because I don't want to be with him by myself. I only hope that everything is ok.

Apparently I am not having an MRI but a regular x-ray because "he can see what he needs to from it." Okay. Whatever. I just hope that the news is good. I can't handle much more of this stay at home shit.

I am sick to death of my own company and the TV. I actually find myself watching soaps, although I don't know anyone's name. It is usually own for background noise, but I occasional am watching and wondering who really follows this crap on a day to day basis?

It's going to be hot today. Prediction is for 37. I am not ready for the hot weather. I wish it could just stay 25 everyday with blue skies.

I read these two books I bought for cheap at the local kmart. They kept me busy for 3 days anyway, but both of them had the same central theme, adultery. I found myself thinking a lot about my marriage and questioning how things are going with us. It is not because we are having problems. All relationships are hit with bumps from outside influence. My recovery from this surgery has been the main focus and there is nothing I can do about that. I really hate being like this.

I don't think I've ever loved him more than I do him. I have been uneasy, but I know I've been consumed with worry about this stupid neck. I can't believe that all along the appointment was yesterday. Go on, laugh. I know you want to.


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