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Out of my way jerkass!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I went to the movies last Wednesday night with mr ralph and his mum because they had free tickets to the Australian screening of last year's American release of Bad Santa. For several reasons I don't recall, the film couldn't be released here until now.

Because mr ralph was at work right up until the time of the film I had to ride the bus into the city.

I spent the start of the ride wrapped up in personal thought but was jolted from it as the bus came to a stop and I could hear several teen-aged boys laughing and yelling at the bus driver from the curb. I noticed we were not on the correct route and that the bus driver was looking at the map that is inside the bus schedule. This was not comforting. Apparantly he took a wrong turn. I had to stop zoning out and actually pay attention until we were again on the right path into the city. This was a first-time experience for me. This must have been this guy's very first route to drive. I hope the rest of his night went ok.

On my way to the theater I stopped and bought mr ralph a diet coke because I knew he wouldn't have time to get one himself and I'm so very thoughtful like that.

When I was crossing the busy intersection a guy almost ran into me. Just as he stopped and moved to the left, he noticed my brace and said, "What the!!?!?" then stumbled as he said, "sorry," then as he walked away he turned and yelled,
"CRIPPLE!" My response was pretty child-like, but effective. I never stoped walking forward and I never looked at the guy's face because the brace keeps my neck straight and I couldn't be bothered to stop so I just raised my arm giving him a rude gesture with my middle finger. As I walked away I heard his friend laughing as I did it.

I couldn't believe this happened. Did that guy actually almost run into me and then yell at me calling me a cripple? I know, you think I am making this up, but I'm not.

What if I really was cripple? It is just unbelievable that anyone would yell at someone calling them a cripple like it was some kind of clever insult. Then again I shouldn't be surprised because the Australian people seem to have a problem with people wearing braces. They openly stare, make gasping faces, and sometimes even point and laugh. Gah! The gall I have going about my life as normal when clearly I am some kind of freak.

People can be such morons.


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