Still thinking about the election and the fraud that could have happened? Here is a comprehensive list of links and things to read regarding Evidence of Electoral Fraud.
Still thinking about the election and the fraud that could have happened? Here is a comprehensive list of links and things to read regarding Evidence of Electoral Fraud.
The pain is horrible. The chest pain returned with a vengeance last night and it almost kept me awake and crying until I remembered I had 2 endone tablets left. I took one last night and that helped me get to sleep.
Want to be Foxless in America? This site, We Do Not Concede has a great idea on how to send Fox a message and rid yourself of them.
Ahh. Thanksgiving.
I'm still here, although it does feel like I've abandoned this blog for the other one.
According to my surgeon, and the x-rays I had done yesterday everything is going ok. My neck looks to be healing fine, and now I no longer have to wear the hard collar. We can heave a huge sigh of relief on that one. I do have to wear the soft collar for a short period, while alternating not wearing it and doing neck exercises until my neck is strong enough to go without it altogether.
So I wake up this morning and pull out the referral form for the x-ray I am meant to be having today and discover that the appointment is for yesterday.
Feeling good about living in a "free world"? Well, before you get too comfy thinking that you have "freedom of speech", you should really read this. The Patriot Act has been extended to blogs that are critical of Government.
Renee Zellweger has been in Australia for a whirl-wind tour and promoting The Edge of Reason, and all I kept thinking about during the film-clips is that they make her get so much bigger this time, or is it just me? She looks much frumpier than in the original. I actually thought she looked normal in the first one. Seems that the movie isn't doing so good with the reviewers either. A pity, because I quite enjoyed the first one, and I also read the book.
Paul Deleplane designed his wedding cake out of hostess snacks. Talk about being obsessed with twinkies! I can't even imagine how much fat this cake packed. And he is not the only one! [ via ]
This petition to Congress is available to sign for those of us that want the election of 2004, especially regarding the use of voting machine manipulation or purposeful malfunction, especially electronic voting machines manufactured and supplied by Diebold, Inc.; Electronic Systems & Software (ES & S); Sequoia Voting Systems, and others investigated for any potential wrongdoing.
The busy-ness of that last background was holding me back, and keeping me from doing new things, like my nifty blockqoute quotation mark. I know blogger created their own, but I made one for myself!
A few more things to read when deciding if BUSH&Co. really won this election:
I must take the time to write when compelled to do so. I value my opinion, I also value the opinion of others, in the aspect that their opinion belongs to them and is generated from within their soul. I must also say that I love politics. Some say that they won't talk politics because it is the source of hostile arguments. I say disagreement is healthy. I've learned a heck of a lot by disagreeing with people. Some have changed my opinion from time to time by simply disagreeing with me then explaining their reason. This is where respect comes in to play.
I love mystery thrillers and I'd have to put The Forgotten in the top 5 that I have seen. Let's not forget that Julianne Moore is highly rated by me as an actresses after her unforgetable performance in my favorite movie Magnolia.
My brother showed me something very interesting yesterday. The link should open in a new window.
Why did I not know about how serious this all really was?
Deducting the erroneous Bush votes from his total could not change the election's outcome, and there were no signs of other errors in Ohio's electronic machines, said Carlo LoParo, spokesman for Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell.Of course we should take everything Blackwell says as the gospel right? Somehow I find it hard to believe that the machine in error was the only one that used that kind of cartridge yet,
Other electronic machines used in Ohio do not use the type of computer cartridge involved in the error, state officials say.There ya go. All nice and tidy isn't it? A few extra votes were recorded. We're meant to simply forget about it. But I couldn't, and I can't. So I kept reading and so should you.
The Ohio numbers are regarded by many with great suspicion because the GOP launched, in the weeks before the election, an organized effort to intimidate minority voters, fund push-polls and other robocalls, and generally depress turnout in Democratic precincts. Anecdotal evidence is that it did not work -- turnout was high, and there were very few reports on election day of Republican intimidation at the polls. [and]And it doesn't just stop there, because these unusual numbers doesn't necessarily mean any intentional fraud took place...BUT
The possibility of fraud has been raised primarily because the results from Ohio are not what people were expecting to see. Republican turnout was very large, and Democrats seemed to vote for Bush in surprising numbers. That is indeed curious, and needs to be analyzed.
it is also possible to explain the discrepancies from fraud or error. Intentional fraud, or unintentional error, would in this case consist of misreporting of the numbers from each precinct. Note that few of these Ohio precincts use anything other than the punch-card systems; fraud would be present in the central machines that sum the votes, not from in-precinct shenanigans. Nationwide, these machines are manufactured by Diebold and other vendors; longtime readers will remember Diebold as the heavily-Republican-leaning company (Diebold executives are heavy Bush contributers) whose chief officer announced in a Republican fund-raising letter that the company was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."If that doesn't get your blood going, nothing will.
At 8:30 p.m. Election Night, Black Box Voting blanketed the U.S. with the first in a series of public records requests, to obtain internal computer logs and other documents from 3,000 individual counties and townships. Networks called the election before anyone bothered to perform even the most rudimentary audit.Black Box Voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit consumer protection group for elections and you can donate to their effort as the FOIA's are not free. You can also join their campaign and volunteer for their organization called Help America Audit through the site.
In 2002, Congress passed the Help America Vote Act, or HAVA, which allocated $3.9 billion in matching federal funds to help states upgrade to new e-voting systems. Touted as the answer to the hanging chads in Florida that marred the 2000 presidential election, e-voting machines have been lauded by their makers as faster, more accurate and easier to use than punch-card and lever machines. But election glitches involving the systems paint a different picture, depicting machines that sometimes fail to boot up, fail to record votes or even record them for the wrong candidates. Computer scientists say the machines are also easy to hack.Now if you've read all the articles and followed all my links you are now in the same position I am in. I keep asking myself two things: What exactly is going on here, and do I really want to know?
In addition to glitches, there are concerns about the people behind the machines. A few voting company employees have been implicated in bribery or kickback schemes involving election officials. And there are concerns about the partisan loyalties of voting executives -- Diebold's chief executive, for example, is a top fund-raiser for President Bush.
Unbelievable. Rape Victim Spots Alleged Attacker On TV Show [via]
Could I just say duh ? Now that is on the record,
"People say, 'The country's divided; shouldn't he be less ambitious?' " said Grover Norquist, president of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform. "No. This is a Republican-majority country. He will govern as aggressively as in the first term."Double Duh!!
But others are skeptical that after a bitter campaign, Bush will succeed in attracting significant support from Democrats. "Is it realistic to think that, after this nasty election, he's going to get everyone in the room and say let's hold hands and reform Social Security?" a Republican lobbyist asked. "I don't see it."And neither do I. Look out seniors, you could be saying bye-bye to your social security.
In foreign policy, Bush's first term was dominated by the war against terrorism and the decision to invade Iraq. His second-term agenda, one official said, could be described as "pretty much the same - only more so."Anyone want to play a game of who will we invade next? Maybe the Democrats really did need this lose in order to let America learn her lessons the bitter hard way.
Bush told at least one of them, Sen.-elect James DeMint (R-S.C.), that he was impatient to turn his agenda into policies and laws.What happens when you give a man like Bush unlimited power at his disposal? We shall see won't we? In the end, I don't think it will be a pretty picture.
"Now is the time to get it done," Bush said, according to his spokesman.
"What the president is doing in fiscal policy is weakening the country, making us more vulnerable. It's so strange," said Sen. Kent Conrad (news, bio, voting record) of North Dakota, top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee. "There's no free lunch, and at the end of the day our country will have a tremendous price to pay for this profligacy." Taken from this article.Again you have to ask, how did this guy get re-elected? And will there be lots of finger pointing when it is all over with. You better believe it. I see lots of t-shirts saying, "Don't blame me I voted for Kerry." Start the screen printing people. We are stuck now. It makes me sick to my stomach.
My brother told me he wants to get involved in politics but that it will be difficult because he lives in a predominately Republican place. A place full of "Nascar watchin squrill huntin cheap beer drinkin wife beatin rednecks."
We watched CNN and briefly checked out what the Republican spinners were reporting on FOX all day yesterday. Around 4pm our time when FOX called Ohio and therefore the election to Bush I had fallen asleep and mr ralph woke me with these words, "He's lost it."
I went to the movies last Wednesday night with mr ralph and his mum because they had free tickets to the Australian screening of last year's American release of Bad Santa. For several reasons I don't recall, the film couldn't be released here until now.
In this story, Bush never was the one. The songwriter John Hall who co-wrote the song says that the Republican party never got permission to use the song.
"Out of deference to Mr. Hall's views, the song will no longer be played," Bush campaign spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish said. She said the song had been included in a catalog of music that the campaign's licensing company used to provide music for events.Stick to using country songs Dubya.
Hours after she spoke, however, the song popped up again on the sound system in Columbus, Ohio, as Bush rally organizers tried to warm up a crowd of thousands. A campaign spokesman said the song was piped inadvertently into the arena as part of a video montage.
How stupid do they think voters are? I personally hope they're smart enough to see through this shit.
Scientists are saying that we could be seeing a new strain of flu that could spark a pandemic, an epidemic that could spread across the world.
Since December, a strain of bird flu has spread through poultry flocks from Japan to Thailand, despite efforts to contain it by mass killing of chickens. The virus also has infected and killed humans, though it doesn't appear to spread easily to people.Experts claim this could easily change.
Only 43% of people at highest risk of serious illness from flu get vaccinated most years, she said. "Flu is a serious disease, and we have not taken it seriously."To read the full story Yahoo! News - Vaccine shortage points to global risk, experts say
Does America really want to re-elect a President whose senior strategist thinks that the tape of Osama Bin Laden was a "little gift" and that it is good for Bush that America feel afraid?
"We want people to think 'terrorism' for the last four days," said a Bush-Cheney campaign official. "And anything that raises the issue in people's minds is good for us."
A senior GOP strategist added, "anything that makes people nervous about their personal safety helps Bush."
I designed a new sister blog (if you will) to this one called Sucking It In. I decided to have it along side this one because I don't think everyone is all that interested in every little complaint I have about food, diet and exercise. I bore myself even.