Although the pain wasn't that bad last night, on Sunday in the wee hours of morning I was awakened by what could only be described as an incredibly painful tight squeezing in my chest. This pain is familiar to me since I had it a lot before we finally found out what was wrong with my neck.
During the unknown phase I often worried I had something wrong with my heart. When I was rushed to the emergency room it was the first thing they ruled out. Much later I was told by the specialist that the chest pain is caused by muscles that are affected when the spine becomes compromised.
I quite possibly over-did it on the weekend as I reorganized my closet and started cleaning for our inspection that is tomorrow. I just hope that there is no real lasting damage to the new disc that was put in my neck. I didn't experience any pain while I was doing the work, which made me think it was ok. But, now I have to tell you I'm very scared.
I wanted to call the surgeon but I'm afraid of him too. I will just wait it out and if it gets really bad I will go back to the hospital.
I hope this is nothing because I hate staying home and I only want to be fully recovered so I can go back to a normal life. Last night I had a slight tightness and an equally small pain in my chest, but nothing woke me up in the middle of the night thankfully. It is hard to take it easy. All I want to do is find things to occupy me while I am stuck here.
We have a professional gardener coming today to do our front garden because I didn't think it fair to make mr. ralph do all the work on his own. He hates working in the garden more than anything else, and it shows. I think the plants will take over if we don't do something to stop it now. I have no idea how much this guy is going to charge, but if he can get it respectable looking now maybe we can keep up with it without feeling so overwhelmed when we look at it.
mr. ralph is also shampooing the carpet. Nothing short of a miracle could make this carpet look good because it was probably 20 years old when we moved in, but after the first once-over, it actually looks decent. When he wakes up today he is going to go over it again. Should be tip-top for the inspection.
The_Cat has to go to the mum-in-law's tomorrow night and stay until after the inspection on Wednesday. I don't think he is going to like it much since he gets locked into her laundry room. It may have been ok when he was a little tike, but now he is so big (almost 6 kilos) and I think he is going to go batty in there without any place to run around. Oh well, it is only for one night.
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