I decided to give Buckley a bath yesterday, half out of boredom and half out of curiosity to see how it would go.

Isn't he cute?
The bath itself wasn't so bad. He really only fought to get away with minimal effort. I only had to push him down with one hand. He is not exactly afraid of water, when we spray him with it he just looks at us in confusion and then licks it off while going back to doing whatever annoying behaviour he was doing beforehand. The hard part was trying to dry him off.
He didn't want any of that and hid under the bed licking it off himself. This morning in the wee hours I heard him dry heaving. The poor thing had licked way too much hair and had a hair ball. I felt so bad since it was my fault. The only thing I could remember to do was put butter on his paw. My mother would do that to my cats when I was growing up, but I don't remember if it ever actually helped. If I have any readers that might know any home remedies for hair balls, please leave some advice. Thanks.
And finally it is a campaign reduced to taunts, if you don't feel like reading it all, just read my interesting snippets:
But Cheney, campaigning in Iowa, said that under Saddam Hussein the country probably would have served as a source of weapons for terrorists.
Did we send troops to war based on probably?
"The situation we faced was Saddam Hussein and Iraq presented the most likely place where there could be a nexus between the terrorists on the one hand and weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said.
That makes me feel much better! Oh that's right, I forgot, we went to war based on "most likely".
I laughed out loud after readying the following joke from Senator Kerry:
The North Carolina Democrat contended that Bush was out of touch with important issues including health care and the economy, including jobs lost to other nations. "I'll tell you what would be good for the economy, would be to outsource George Bush he said.
I've got a question for the President, "What exactly are you afraid of?"
Bush's rally was invitation-only. About 100 demonstrators gathered outside, many carrying signs protesting the Iraq war. "Fear more years," read one sign. "Bush's war: how many lives per gallon?" said another.
The truth hurts eh?
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