Yet again Bush feels the need to twist the truth in order to discredit John Kerry. He is a sad desperate man and I hope the American people will not be fooled at this latest attempt to undermine Kerry.
I worry a lot about the problems that the Bush campaign are planning to unleash on Election Day. A back up system is being put in place that could cause confusion.
"Rules for who casts provisional ballots and how they are counted probably will vary even within states, especially if there are long lines, confusion and hot tempers at the polls, election experts said.
Some of the states where the race is tightest, such as Florida and Ohio, also have the strictest rules for provisional ballots. "
Of course there will be hot tempers and long lines!
My mother told me that in 2000, New Orleans which is an area full of predominate Democratic voters had their polling locations changed and everyone showed up to vote in the wrong place. Of course they claim notification was sent, but how could thousands of people be lying when they say they were never notified of the change?
One just has to wonder what tactics Bush will employ in this election to ensure his victory. I put nothing past him.
As a lover of all things related to Halloween I think this picture of Bush and Kerry carved on pumpkins is rather charming. Pumpkin carver Hugh McMahon of New York City carved the lanterns.

Yes the resemblence is uncanny.
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